Childbirth Education
Classes are currently paused. Check this page for updates in the future.
While the big event of pregnancy is delivery, the months leading up to baby day are just as important to the health of both moms-to-be and their little ones. Merit Health River Region's prenatal care department starts at square one, focusing on education as a way for women and their unborn babies to achieve wellness that begins at conception and doesn't end at delivery.
All of our education classes are taught by certified instructors. Our classes are offered free of charge and include materials and refreshments or lunch.
Our prenatal education classes include:
- Breastfeeding Basics – designed for anyone considering breastfeeding. This class is offered each month and covers the basics and benefits of breastfeeding.
- Infant CPR - open to new parents and care givers.
- Preparing for Childbirth - offered to the mother and her partner, this class covers the multiple aspects of labor, birth and early postpartum. Available each month.
- Siblings Class - designed to help prepare children (ages 3-10) for the new arrival. Children practice holding and diapering with a doll or teddy bear they bring from home. A tour of the Birthplace is also provided so siblings can see where mom and baby will be staying.
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